Boostrap Menu builder for Yii2 Framework
- To the menu, can add links, dropmenu and lines
- Drag end drop - edit, move, delete items
- Ajax - creating menu without refresh page
- Many menus (eg. different languages), stored in the database
- Embedding in the application using the method with the integer parameter
- Demo bootstrap menu builder
Installation menu builder
composer require pceuropa/yii2-menu dev-master
Integration module with Yii2: add the following code to config file /common/config/main.php or /app/config/web.php
'modules' => [
'menu' => [
'class' => '\pceuropa\menu\Menu',
Create database table schema
php yii migrate/up --migrationPath=@vendor/pceuropa/yii2-menu/migrations
You can create a menu...
Creating a menu
If the installation module was successful, menu builder should be available at
After saving a menu in database, remember ID number
Integration menu with the application frontend (or backend)
use pceuropa\menu\Menu;
// Menu::NavbarLeft($id) return array
NavBar::begin(['brandLabel' => 'Brand', 'brandUrl' => Url::home()]);
echo Nav::widget([
'items' => Menu::NavbarLeft(1), // param is id of menu
'options' => ['class' => 'navbar-nav navbar-left']
echo Nav::widget([
'items' => Menu::NavbarRight(1),
'options' => ['class' => 'navbar-nav navbar-right'],